

2018年07月01日 出版   ◎撰文者  鄧慧純 攝影  莊坤儒 版面設計  蕭郢岑



3C當道,人們頻繁地藉著通訊軟體、L I N E貼 圖,溝通愈發便利的同時,還有人堅持著將思想、情意藉著手與筆,一豎一畫,化成文字,這樣的傳情達意或許老派,卻有無可取代的溫度。

寫字也是一種內省,坐在案前,端正姿勢, 握好筆,在一橫一豎、彎轉的迴旋間,順著肢體的記憶,在紙上留下印記,寫字更是一場與內在自我對話與療癒的過程。



法國的 Dior、Chanel、義大利的Bvlgari、英國的Burberry 等超過三十家國際頂級知名品牌都指名他書寫各國語言VVIP卡片。一筆一畫,一橫 一捺,不疾不徐,看韓玉青寫字,是愉悅的,更是享受。

家學淵源的韓玉青,爺爺、父親都寫著一手好字。爺爺強調寫字的基本功,韓玉青從小被訓練拿著綁上鋼條的毛筆練手力。從父親抽屜裡翻到寫給母親的情書,那飄逸的字體和墨水顏色,也讓他對此憧憬不已。從小家裡過年的活動是揮 毫,鋪上報紙,就是一場爺孫的競筆,韓玉青成長於如此的寫字世家。


一路就讀美術資優班,赴英國進修回來之後, 他在實踐大學開設計課,卻發現學生對字體十分陌生,於是在課程加入手寫字體,讓學生用羽毛筆、鋼筆書寫,親身體驗字體的美感。之後他創 立「日日好文創」,教大人、小孩如何好好寫字。

每一種字體都有矯正的功能與療癒的效果, 如中文的楷書,線條組織嚴謹能讓學習者在書寫時更注重細節,更細膩。行書則著重在速度感,運筆方式不同,手肘也要放鬆。而身體要 記憶寫字的穩定性,還有每種字體的節奏感, 讓肌肉植入正確書寫肢體記憶,是韓玉青開創的教學方式。


雖說「善書者不擇筆」,但為了讓學習者能快速上手、有成就感,韓玉青用心開發不同體字適用的不同筆款,就像高爾夫球桿各有不同的功 能,寫行書、楷書、隸書、花體字、哥德體等自然筆具也要分工。

寫字的基本功為何?「畫直線」他簡要地說。 學著不用工具畫數條10公分的直線,倆倆相距1公厘,練的是手的掌控力。把線條畫好,才能把字寫好,韓玉青強調。


致力推廣寫字文化,韓玉青說寫字文化對當代 社會重要的意義在於「藝術治療」,「寫字不只 是『寫字』,寫字其實是一門綜合藝術,跟一個 人的精神質感有關係。」他觀察大部分人需要的並不是字寫得漂亮,更多人是透過追求寫字漂亮的過程,在精神上的釋放跟解脫。他鼓勵親子一 起來學寫字,除了培養美感外,慢下來,靜靜賞析美的事物,寫字能帶來的永遠更多更多。書寫雖說是舊時代的價值和習慣,但重要的情感總要靠著寫字來傳達才對味,一如重要的記憶總要靠著寫字來記錄才能久遠。




「畫直線」他簡要地說,體會經營線條的質感,看似簡單但意義深遠。 學著不用工具畫數條10公分的直線,倆倆相距1公厘,練的是手的掌控力與穩定性。能徒手把線條畫好,才能隨心所欲把字寫好,韓玉青強調。

Han Yu-ching: The joyous art of calligraphy

Han Yu-ching is a calligrapher who regularly collab- orates with top international brands. The French brands Dior and Chanel, as well as the Italian rm Bulgari and the British company Burberry, all hire him to write VIP cards. Watching him write with his characteristic un- hurried assurance is a real pleasure.

Calligraphy runs in his family:

Both his father and grandfather were Chinese calligraphers themselves. When Han was little, his grandfather would have him practice brushstrokes using writing brushes to which steel rods had been attached. The exercise was designed to build up his arm and hand strength—much as the horse stance is practiced in martial arts training. From a young age, writing calligraphy was a family activity at Chinese New Year. They’d lay down newspaper, and grandfather and grandson would compete at writing.

he teaches both children and adults how to write calligraphy

Han teaches design at Shih Chien University, where he has discovered that students know little about the different styles of Chinese characters. Consequently, he added calligraphy to the coursework, so that students, armed with calligraphic brushes or fountain pens, can enjoy the experience of creating beautiful characters themselves. More recently, he has created the firm Bonne Journée, where he teaches both children and adults how to write calligraphy.

Looking to attain the proper muscle memory

Each style of script has it proper use and bene cial ef- fects. Take, for instance, kaishu or regular script. Its lines are tightly organized, so that students must pay strict at- tention to the ne details when writing. One’s body must achieve a steadiness and remember the different senses of rhythm that go with penning different kinds of script. Looking to attain the proper muscle memory for each style is where Han starts his instruction.

Calligraphic Comeback ——Handwriting Enjoys a Revival

What is the basic skill needed for writing? “Drawing straight lines,” Han answers simply. Drawing straight lines freehand, ten centimeters long but only one milli- meter apart, is a test of students’ hand control. Only by drawing lines well can you write characters well.

Calligraphy is more than just writing

Forcefully promoting calligraphic culture, Han says that writing is an important form of “cultural therapy.” “Calligraphy is more than just writing. In fact, writing by hand is a kind of general art that has a certain sense of spirituality associated with it.” He observes that most people studying calligraphy, rather than aiming to write to a certain standard of beauty, are more focused on nding spiritual release and relief through the process of creating beautiful script.

He encourages parents to come with their children to study calligraphy together. In addition to cultivating a sense of aesthetics, the study of the art also causes one to slow down and appreciate beautiful things. It offers so much—and so much that has a lasting impact.

It calms his mind and lets his converse with his inner self

The widespread habit of writing by hand and the high value placed on handwriting may be attributes of an earlier age, but important sentiments still need to be written out to be expressed properly, just as memories need the medium of writing to endure.